Back Pain Doctor
in Uniontown, PA

Chiropractic Care

Massage Therapy

and Nutritional Supplements

Smith Chiropractic Offers Adjustments & Sciatica Treatment

When you need a back pain doctor in Uniontown, PA, contact Smith Chiropractic. A chiropractic adjustment is a noninvasive, drug-free pain management therapy procedure used by chiropractors. A spinal adjustment improves patient’s spinal mobility and general physical function by applying controlled, abrupt stress to the spinal joint. A spinal adjustment can help straighten the spine. It then reduces pressure on the nerves, which can be the source of many aches and pains. A chiropractic adjustment can also assist with chronic pain, fatigue, headaches, migraines, and digestive issues. Call the Smith Chiropractic office at (724) 437-2500 to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced and licensed chiropractors.

Schedule Your Chiropractic Adjustments in Uniontown, PA

The chiropractors at Smith Chiropractic will do a comprehensive physical at your initial appointment for a chiropractic adjustment. This includes a medical history and discussion of your pain complaints. Our chiropractors may also order imaging tests, such as X-rays, MRIs, or CT scans. Depending on your history and pain complaints, we may need to wait until all testing comes back to create a treatment plan. Other times we are able to perform some pain relief adjustments or stretches with you before a full adjustment. Schedule an appointment today to start your journey to healthier joints and muscles.

Receive Back Pain Relief in Uniontown, PA from Smith Chiropractic

Back pain is one of the main reasons people first seek chiropractic care. Injury, degenerative disc disease, sciatica, arthritis, spondylolisthesis, herniated disc, or failed back surgery are some back issues we treat. One of the most effective treatments we offer our back pain patients is a chiropractic adjustment.

A chiropractic adjustment straightens the spinal column. During this technique, the chiropractor will position you in various postures to assist treat the afflicted regions. We use controlled force to press the spinal joints beyond their usual range of motion. It is typical to hear popping sounds when the trapped air in the joints releases.

Contact Smith Chiropractic when you need a back pain doctor in Uniontown, PA.