Chiropractor Treating Car Accident Injuries
in Uniontown, PA

Chiropractic Care

Massage Therapy

and Nutritional Supplements

Smith Chiropractic Accepts All Car Insurances

Smith Chiropractic Offers Rehabilitation Care After Accidents

For an experienced chiropractor treating car accident injuries in Uniontown, PA, contact Smith Chiropractic. After a vehicle accident, chiropractic care is frequently advised. It may aid in restoring the spine’s natural alignment in cases of whiplash and other accident-related ailments. Chiropractor treatment could be helpful if you were recently involved in a vehicle accident, and are suffering from your injuries. For over 30 years Smith Chiropractic has worked with attorneys to document patients’ injuries and progress. 

Call the Smith Chiropractic office at (724) 437-2500. Schedule an appointment with one of our experienced and licensed chiropractors. We work with you to create a care program to get you back to feeling well.

Benefits of Chiropractor for Car Wreck Injuries in Uniontown, PA

Chiropractic care can have many benefits to help heal injuries, especially those sustained during a car crash. Here are some of the benefits your body could see with trusted chiropractic care from Smith Chiropractic:

  • Decrease Inflammation: When a chiropractor realigns the spinal cord by manipulating the spine, it can lessen inflammation and discomfort. Inflammation is a typical side effect of physical damage. Stiffness and discomfort are symptoms that worsen after periods of inactivity.
  • Reduce Pain: Massages and correct spinal manipulations cause the release of oxytocin, neurotensin, and cortisol. These hormones can aid in the reduction of pain.
  • Regaining Range of Motion: Injuries from crashes can cause misalignment of your spine and joints, limiting your movement. Chiropractic adjustments can help restore your range of motion.
  • Decrease Scar Tissue: Chiropractors can reduce scar tissue, which can result in chronic pain and stiffness.
  • Non-Invasive Treatment: Chiropractic treatments are a non-invasive way to help your body heal naturally. After a vehicle accident, chiropractic treatments can significantly lower the chance of surgery.

Hurt in a Car Accident? Call Your Caring Uniontown Chiropractor

It is still a good idea to visit a chiropractor after a vehicle accident, even if you’re not in pain. Many injuries sustained in vehicle accidents do not become painful or uncomfortable for several weeks. Chiropractic professionals train to find these concealed ailments. They evaluate soft tissue injury, structural damage, muscle strength, range of motion, joint, and nerve function. If chiropractors discover any injuries during this evaluation, we develop a treatment plan that is unique to you. Contact Smith Chiropractic to schedule an evaluation today.

Call Smith Chiropractic for an experienced chiropractor treating car accident injuries in Uniontown, PA.